The frequent failing of rapper bearings and assemblies at a local coal fired Power station facility (due to poor ongoing performance of their ESP), caused unnecessary plant outages and shutdowns. This resulted in lost production costs and high OPEX costs.
MAIRSTech designed a specialised high wear bearing and rapping system. The insert in the bearing provides minimum wear during operation and is easily rotatable to provide longevity, whilst the rapper uses specialised hardened material.
The refined design improved the operation’s longevity in the system, reduced the yearly planned plant outages, as well as annual OPEX spare parts costs.

A minerals process facility saw an increase in failures of their existing ESP unit (a common issue with ageing ESPs). This led to fields shutting down unexpectedly and even tripping of the overall plant process.
Upon investigation, MAIRSTech discovered the ESP required a complete controller systems upgrade. New hardware was retrofitted into existing cabinets, alleviating the need to replace cabinetry. This helped reduce CAPEX costing and plant outage, as the work was completed with the system online.
The updated hardware and technology allowed the customer to better control the ESP performance for the plant and simultaneously reduced operation costs.